ストラヴィンスキー 声楽作品集 Songs / Stravinsky

ストラヴィンスキー  Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971)

声楽作品集 Songs


1. ストラヴィンスキー

001 牧神と羊飼いの娘Op.2

The Faun and the Shepherdess, Op. 2: I. The Shepherdess

002 牧神と羊飼いの娘Op.2

The Faun and the Shepherdess, Op. 2: II. The Faun

003 牧神と羊飼いの娘Op.2

The Faun and the Shepherdess, Op. 2: III. The River



004 ヴェルレーヌの2つの詩Op.9

Two Poems by Paul Verlaine, Op. 9: La Lune blanche

005 ヴェルレーヌの2つの詩Op.9

Two Poems by Paul Verlaine, Op. 9: Un grand sommeil noir



006 バーリモントの2つの詩

2 Poems by Konstantin Balmont: I. Forget-me-nots

007 バーリモントの2つの詩

2 Poems by Konstantin Balmont: II. The Dove



008 日本の3つの抒情詩

3 Japanese Lyrics: I. Akahito (à Maurice Delage)

009 日本の3つの抒情詩

3 Japanese Lyrics: II. Mazatsumi (à Florent Schmitt)

010 日本の3つの抒情詩

3 Japanese Lyrics: III. Tsaraiuki (à Maurice Ravel)



011 3つの小さな歌「わが幼き頃の思い出」

Three Little Songs "Recollections of My Childhood": I. The Magpie

012 3つの小さな歌「わが幼き頃の思い出」

Three Little Songs "Recollections of My Childhood": II. The Rook

013 3つの小さな歌「わが幼き頃の思い出」

Three Little Songs "Recollections of My Childhood": III. The Jackdaw

014 プリバウトキ

Pleasant Songs (Pribaoutki) : I. Uncle Armand

015 プリバウトキ

Pleasant Songs (Pribaoutki) : II. The Oven

016 プリバウトキ

Pleasant Songs (Pribaoutki) : III. The Colonel

017 プリバウトキ

Pleasant Songs (Pribaoutki) : IV. The Old Man and the Hare



018 チリンボン




019 猫子守歌

Cat's Cradle Song: I. On the Stove

020 猫子守歌

Cat's Cradle Song: II. At Home

021 猫子守歌

Cat's Cradle Song: III. Lullaby

022 猫子守歌

Cat's Cradle Song: IV. The Cat Has...



023 4つのロシアの歌

4 Russian Songs for Voice, Flute, Harp and Guitar: I. The Drake

024 4つのロシアの歌

4 Russian Songs for Voice, Flute, Harp and Guitar: II. A Russian Spiritual

025 4つのロシアの歌

4 Russian Songs for Voice, Flute, Harp and Guitar: III. Geese and Swans

026 4つのロシアの歌

4 Russian Songs for Voice, Flute, Harp and Guitar: IV. Tilim-bom



027 シェイクスピアの3つの歌曲

Three Songs from William Shakespeare: I. Musick to Heare

028 シェイクスピアの3つの歌曲

Three Songs from William Shakespeare: II. Full Fadom Five

029 シェイクスピアの3つの歌曲

Three Songs from William Shakespeare: III. When Dasies Pied




2. ピエール・ブーレーズ / アンサンブル・アンテルコンタンポラン, フィリス・ブリン=ジュルソン(ソプラノ),ジョン・シャーリー=カーク(バリトン),アン・マレー(メッゾ・ソプラノ), ロバート・ティアー(テノール)

001 パストラール 声と4つの管楽器のための無言歌

Stravinsky: Pastorale - Song Without Words for Voice and Four Wind Instruments

002 ヴェルレーヌの2つの詩 月明り(優しき歌)

Two Poems by Paul Verlaine - Russian translation by S. Mtusov - Gdye v lunnom...

003 ヴェルレーヌの2つの詩 暗い夢(叡智)

Two Poems by Paul Verlaine - Russian translation by S. Mtusov - Mrachniye sny (Wisdom)

004 バーリモントの2つの詩 忘れな草

Two Poems by Konstantin Bal'mont - I. Nyezabudochka-tsvyetochek (The Flower)

005 バーリモントの2つの詩 鳩

Two Poems by Konstantin Bal'mont - II. Golub' (The Dove)

006 3つの日本の抒情詩 山部赤人

Three Japanese Lyrics - I. Akahito

007 3つの日本の抒情詩 源当純

Three Japanese Lyrics - II. Mazatsumi

008 3つの日本の抒情詩 紀貫之

Three Japanese Lyrics - III. Tsaraiuki

009 3つの小さな歌曲≪わが幼き頃の思い出≫ かささぎ

Three Songs (Recollections of my Childhood) - Sorochenka (The Magpie)

010 3つの小さな歌曲≪わが幼き頃の思い出≫ からす

Three Songs (Recollections of my Childhood) - Vorona (The Rock)

011 3つの小さな歌曲≪わが幼き頃の思い出≫ チーチェル・ヤーチェル

Three Songs (Recollections of my Childhood) - Chicher-Yacher

012 プリバウトカ(戯歌) コルニーロおじさん

Pribaoutki (Four Songs) - Kornilo (Uncle Pierre)

013 プリバウトカ(戯歌) ナターシュカ

Pribaoutki (Four Songs) - Natashka (Natasha)

014 プリバウトカ(戯歌) 大佐

Pribaoutki (Four Songs) - Polkovnik (The Colonel)

015 プリバウトカ(戯歌) お爺さんとうさぎ

Pribaoutki (Four Songs) - Staryets i zayats (The Old Man and the Hare)

016 猫の子守唄 おねむり 猫よ

Four Cat's Cradle Songs - Sung in Russian - Spi, kot (Sleep, Pussy)

017 猫の子守唄 ペチカのうえの猫

Four Cat's Cradle Songs - Sung in Russian - Kot na pyechi (The Cat on the Stove)

018 猫の子守唄 おやすみ

Four Cat's Cradle Songs - Sung in Russian - Bai-bai (Lullaby)

019 猫の子守唄 とおさん猫

Four Cat's Cradle Songs - Sung in Russian - U kota, kota (Father Cat Has...)

020 4つの歌曲 雄がもの歌

Four Songs - Sung in Russian - I. Sylezyen' (Sung in Russian)

021 4つの歌曲 異端派の歌

Four Songs - Sung in Russian - Syektanskaya (A Russian Spiritual)

022 4つの歌曲 鵞鳥と白鳥

Four Songs - Sung in Russian - Gusi y lyebyedi (Geese and Swans)

023 4つの歌曲 チーリン・ボン

Four Songs - Sung in Russian - Tilim-bom

024 チーリン・ボン

Tilim-Bom - Tilimbom, tilimbom

025 パラーシャの歌(オペラ・ブッファ≪マヴラ≫から)

Mavra - Sung in Russian - Song of Parasha "Droog moi mily"

026 シェイクスピアの3つの歌曲 快い調べのような君が

Three Songs from William Shakespeare - Music to Hear

027 シェイクスピアの3つの歌曲 汝の父は、五尋の海底にいて

Three Songs from William Shakespeare - Full Fadom Five

028 シェイクスピアの3つの歌曲 春(まだらなヒナギク)

Three Songs from William Shakespeare - Spring (When Dasies Pied)

029 ディラン・トマスの追悼のために

In Memoriam Dylan Thomas - Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night

030 J.F.K.のための悲歌

Elegy for John F. Kennedy - When a Just Man Dies

031 2つの聖歌曲-≪スペイン歌曲集≫から 主よ、この地にはなにが芽生えるのでしょう

ches Liederbuch - Arr. Igor Stravinsky - Herr, was trägt der Boden hier.. (Lord,...

032 2つの聖歌曲-≪スペイン歌曲集≫から 愛する方、あなたは傷を負われて

ches Liederbuch - Arr. Igor Stravinsky - Wunden trägst du.. (Thou Art Wounded)



3. Olga Romanko, Victor Samoilenko, Alexander Golyshev / Bolshoi Theatre Chamber Music Ensemble

001 The Cloud

002 Pastorale

003 Two Songs To Lyrics by Gorodetsky, Op.6 : I. Spring (Monastery Song)

004 Two Songs To Lyrics by Gorodetsky, Op.6 : II. Sundew (Song of the Khlyst Sect)

005 Two Songs To Lyrics by K. Balmont: I. The Flower ("Forget-Me-Not" Flower)

006 Two Songs To Lyrics by K. Balmont: II. The Dove

007 Three Lyrics from Japanese Poetry: I. Akahito

008 Three Lyrics from Japanese Poetry: II. Mazatsumi

009 Three Lyrics from Japanese Poetry: III. Tsaraiuki

010 Three Lyrics from Recollections of Childhood (Folk Lyrics) : I. Magpie

011 Three Lyrics from Recollections of Childhood (Folk Lyrics) : II. Crow

012 Three Lyrics from Recollections of Childhood (Folk Lyrics) : III. Caw, Caw! Jackdaw

013 Pribautki (Ditties) (Folk Lyrics) : I. Kornilo

014 Pribautki (Ditties) (Folk Lyrics) : II. Natashka

015 Pribautki (Ditties) (Folk Lyrics) : III. The Colonel

016 Pribautki (Ditties) (Folk Lyrics) : IV. The Old Man And The Hare

017 Cats' Lullabies (Folk Lyrics) : I. Sleep, Cat

018 Cats' Lullabies (Folk Lyrics) : II. Cat On The Stove

019 Cats' Lullabies (Folk Lyrics) : III. Hushaby, Hushaby

020 Cats' Lullabies (Folk Lyrics) : IV. The Cat,the Cat

021 Three stories for children (Folk Lyrics) I. Tilimbom

022 Three Stories For Children (Folk Lyrics) II. Geese and Swans

023 Three Stories For Children (Folk Lyrics) III. The Bear (A Fairy-Tail with a Song)

024 Lullaby (Text: I. Stravinsky)

025 Four Russian Folk Songs: I. The Drake (Round Dance)

026 Four Russian Folk Songs: II. Leading Song

027 Four Russian Folk Songs: III. Drinking Song

028 Four Russian Folk Songs: IV. A Russian Spiritual

029 Little Harmonic Ramuziana (in French)

030 Three Songs to Lyrics be William Shakespeare (in English) : I. Music to hear

031 Three Songs to Lyrics be William Shakespeare (in English) : II. Full Fathom Five Thy Father...

032 Three Songs to Lyrics be William Shakespeare (in English) : III. When Daises Pied, And Violets...

033 In Memorian Dilan Thomas (in English)

034 The Owl and the Pussy-Cat (in English)



4. Maria Kurenko, Soulima Stravinsky

001 2 Romansa (2 Melodies) , Op. 6: No. 1. Vesna (Spring)

002 2 Romansa (2 Melodies) , Op. 6: No. 2. Rosyanka (A Song of the Dew)

003 Pastorale

004 2 Stikhotvoreniya Konstantina Bal'monta (2 Poems of Konstantin Bal'mont) (version for voice and...

005 2 Stikhotvoreniya Konstantina Bal'monta (2 Poems of Konstantin Bal'mont) (version for voice and...

006 3 Poesies de la lyrique japonaise (3 Japanese Lyrics) (version for voice and piano) : No. 1....

007 3 Poesies de la lyrique japonaise (3 Japanese Lyrics) (version for voice and piano) : No. 2....

008 3 Poesies de la lyrique japonaise (3 Japanese Lyrics) (version for voice and piano) : No. 3....

009 3 Pesenki (3 Children's Tales) : No. 1. Tilimbom

010 3 Pesenki (3 Children's Tales) : No. 2. Gusi-lebedi (Geese, Swans)

011 3 Pesenki (3 Children's Tales) : No. 3. Pesenka medvedya (The Bear's Little Song)

012 Berceuses du chat (Cat's Cradle Songs) (version for voice and piano)

013 4 Chants russes (4 Russian Songs) (version for voice and piano) : No. 1. Selezen' (The Drake)

014 4 Chants russes (4 Russian Songs) (version for voice and piano) : No. 2. Zapevnaya (Counting Song)

015 4 Chants russes (4 Russian Songs) (version for voice and piano) : No. 3. Podblyudnaya...

016 4 Chants russes (4 Russian Songs) (version for voice and piano) : No. 4. Sektantskaya...

017 Mavra (version for voice and piano) : Mavra: Chanson de Paracha (version for voice and piano)



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