サミュエル・バーバー Samuel Barber(1910-1981)
歌曲集 Songs
1. シェリル・ステューダー Cheryl Studer , トーマス・ハンプソン Thomas Hampson , ジョン・ブラウニング John Browning, エマーソン弦楽四重奏団 Emerson String Quartet
001 Songs - A Slumber Song Of The Madonna - Moderato
002 Songs - There's Nae Lark - Moderato
003 Songs - Love At The Door - Allegro
004 Songs - Serenades - Andante con moto
005 Songs - Love's Caution - Moderato
006 Songs - Night Wanderers
007 Songs - Of That So Sweet Imprisonment - Con moto
008 Songs - Strings In The Earth And Air - Moderato
009 Songs - Beggar's Song - Andante-Allegro moderato
010 Songs - In The Dark Pinewood - Moderato
011 Three Songs Opus 2 - No. 1 The Daisies - Allegretto con grazie
012 Three Songs Opus 2 - No. 2 With Rue My Heart Is Laden - Andante cantabile
013 Three Songs Opus 2 - No. 3 Bessie Bobtail - Andante un poco mosso - Adagio
014 Three Songs Op. 10 - No. 1 Rain Has Fallen - Moderato
015 Three Songs Op. 10 - No. 2 Sleep Now - Andante tranquillo
016 Three Songs Op. 10 - No. 3 I Hear An Army - Allegro con fuoco
017 Four Songs Op. 13 - No. 1 A Nun Takes The Veil - Broad and sustained
018 Four Songs Op. 13 - No. 2 The Secrets Of The Old - Allegro giocoso
019 Four Songs Op. 13 - No. 3 Sure On This Shining Night - Andante
020 Four Songs Op. 13 - No. 4 Nocturne - Andante,un poco mosso
021 Dover Beach Op. 3
022 Two Songs Op. 18 - The Queen's Face On The Summery Coin -Andante con moto
023 Two Songs Op. 18 - Monks And Raisins - Allegro
024 Nuvoletta Op. 25
025 Melodies passageres Op. 27 - No. 1 Puisque tout passe - Moderato
026 Melodies passageres Op. 27 - No. 2 Un cygne - Moderato
027 Melodies passageres Op. 27 - No. 3 Tombeau dans un parc - Lento e sereno
028 Melodies passageres Op. 27 - No. 4 Le clocher chante - Non troppo allegro
029 Melodies passageres Op. 27 - No. 5 Depart
030 Hermit Songs Op. 29 - 1. At Saint Patrick's Purgatory
031 Hermit Songs Op. 29 - 2. Church Bell at Night
032 Hermit Songs Op. 29 - 3. St. Ita's Vision
033 Hermit Songs Op. 29 - 4. The Heavenly Banquet
034 Hermit Songs Op. 29 - 5. The Crucifixion
035 Hermit Songs Op. 29 - 6. Sea-Snatch
036 Hermit Songs Op. 29 - 7. Promiscuity
037 Hermit Songs Op. 29 - 8. The Monk and His Cat
038 Hermit Songs Op. 29 - 9. The Praises of God
039 Hermit Songs Op. 29 - 10. The Desire for Hermitage
040 Despite and still Op. 41 - No. 1 A Last Song - Moderato
041 Despite and still Op. 41 - No. 2 My Lizard - Fast and light
042 Despite and still Op. 41 - No. 3 In The Wilderness - Flowing
043 Despite and still Op. 41 - No. 4 Solitary Hotel - Like a rather fast tango in 2
044 Despite and still Op. 41 - No. 5 Despite and Still - Fast and darkly impassioned
045 Three Songs Op. 45 - No. 1 Now I Have Fed And Eaten Up The Rose - Moderato
046 Three Songs Op. 45 - No. 2 A Green Lowland Of Pianos - Allegretto con grazia
047 Three Songs Op. 45 - No. 3 O Boundless,Boundless Evening - Tranquillo,un poco
2. フルール・バロン(メゾ・ソプラノ), メアリー・ベヴァン(ソプラノ), サマンサ・クラーク(ソプラノ), ジェス・ダンディ(コントラルト), ルイーズ・ケメニー(ソプラノ), ソラヤ・マーフィ(ソプラノ), ジュリアン・ヴァン・メレールツ(バリトン), ドミニク・セジウィック(バリトン), ニッキー・スペンス(テノール), ウィリアム・トーマス(バス), ナヴァーラ弦楽四重奏団(66)
001 3つの歌 Op.2 ひなぎく
Three Songs, Op. 2: I. The Daisies (William Thomas)
002 3つの歌 Op.2 後悔で苦しむ私の心
Three Songs, Op. 2: II. With Rue My Heart is Laden (William Thomas)
003 3つの歌 Op.2 ベッシー・ボブテイル
Three Songs, Op. 2: III. Bessie Bobtail (William Thomas)
004 3つの歌 Op.10 雨が降った
Three Songs, Op. 10: I. Rain Has Fallen (Nicky Spence)
005 3つの歌 Op.10 さあ眠れ
Three Songs, Op. 10: II. Sleep Now (Nicky Spence)
006 3つの歌 Op.10 私は軍勢の物音を聞く
Three Songs, Op. 10: III. I Hear an Army (Nicky Spence)
007 4つの歌 Op.13 尼僧はヴェールを脱ぐ
Four Songs, Op. 13: I. A Nun Takes the Veil (Various Artists)
008 4つの歌 Op.13 老人の秘密
Four Songs, Op. 13: II. The Secrets of the Old (Various Artists)
009 4つの歌 Op.13 この輝く夜にきっと
Four Songs, Op. 13: III. Sure On This Shining Night (Various Artists)
010 4つの歌 Op.13 夜想曲
Four Songs, Op. 13: IV. Nocturne (Various Artists)
011 2つの歌 Op.18 高額貨幣の女王の顔
Two Songs, Op. 18: I. The Queen's Face on the Summery Coin (Fleur Barron)
012 2つの歌 Op.18 修道僧と干しぶどう
Two Songs, Op. 18: II. Monks and Raisins (Fleur Barron)
013 ヌヴォレッタ Op.25
Nuvoletta, Op. 25 (Soraya Mafi)
014 過ぎゆきしものの歌 Op.27 すべて過ぎゆくがゆえに
Mélodies passagères, Op. 27: I. Puisque tout passe (Various Artists)
015 過ぎゆきしものの歌 Op.27 白鳥
Mélodies passagères, Op. 27: II. Un cygne (Various Artists)
016 過ぎゆきしものの歌 Op.27 公園の中の墓
Mélodies passagères, Op. 27: III. Tombeau dans un parc (Various Artists)
017 過ぎゆきしものの歌 Op.27 鐘は鳴る
Mélodies passagères, Op. 27: IV. Le clocher chante (Various Artists)
018 過ぎゆきしものの歌 Op.27 出発
Mélodies passagères, Op. 27: V. Départ (Various Artists)
019 隠者の歌 Op.29 聖パトリックの煉獄で
Hermit Songs, Op. 29: I. At Saint Patrick's Purgatory (Mary Bevan)
020 隠者の歌 Op.29 夜の教会の鐘
Hermit Songs, Op. 29: II. Church Bell at Night (Mary Bevan)
021 隠者の歌 Op.29 聖イタの幻想
Hermit Songs, Op. 29: III. St. Ita's Vision (Mary Bevan)
022 天国の饗宴
Hermit Songs, Op. 29: IV. The Heavenly Banquet (Mary Bevan)
023 キリストの磔刑
Hermit Songs, Op. 29: V. The Crucifixion (Mary Bevan)
024 海の略奪
Hermit Songs, Op. 29: VI. Sea-Snatch (Mary Bevan)
025 波乱
Hermit Songs, Op. 29: VII. Promiscuity (Mary Bevan)
026 修道僧と猫
Hermit Songs, Op. 29: VIII. The Monk and His Cat (Mary Bevan)
027 神の賛美
Hermit Songs, Op. 29: IX. The Praises of God (Mary Bevan)
028 世捨てへのあこがれ
Hermit Songs, Op. 29: X. The Desire for Hermitage (Mary Bevan)
029 恨みと沈黙 Op.41 最後の歌
Despite and Still, Op. 41: I. A Last Song (Various Artists)
030 恨みと沈黙 Op.41 わがトカゲ
Despite and Still, Op. 41: II. My Lizard (Various Artists)
031 恨みと沈黙 Op.41 荒野にて
Despite and Still, Op. 41: III. In the Wilderness (Various Artists)
032 恨みと沈黙 Op.41 辺鄙なホテル
Despite and Still, Op. 41: IV. Solitary Hotel (Various Artists)
033 恨みと沈黙 Op.41 恨みと沈黙
Despite and Still, Op. 41: V. Despite and Still (Various Artists)
034 3つの歌 Op.45 もう私はうんざりするほどばらを貪ってしまった
Three Songs, Op. 45: I. Now Have I Fed and Eaten Up the Rose (Jess Dandy)
035 3つの歌 Op.45 緑の低地とピアノたち
Three Songs, Op. 45: II. A Green Lowland of Pianos (Jess Dandy)
036 3つの歌 Op.45 おお果てしない夕暮れ
Three Songs, Op. 45: III. O Boundless, Boundless Evening (Jess Dandy)
037 3つの歌 - The Words from Old England Lady, when I behold the roses
Three Songs (The Words from Old England) : I. Lady, When I Behold the Roses (William Thomas)
038 3つの歌 - The Words from Old England An Earnest Suit to His Unkind Mistress Not to Forsake Him
Three Songs (The Words from Old England) : II. An Earnest Suite to His Unkind Mistress Not to... (William Thomas)
039 3つの歌 - The Words from Old England Hey Nonny No!
Three Songs (The Words from Old England) : III. Hey Nonny No! (William Thomas)
040 2つの風の歌 風の小さな子供たち
Two Poems of the Wind: I. Little Children of the Wind (Fleur Barron)
041 2つの風の歌 あこがれ
Two Poems of the Wind: II. Longing (Fleur Barron)
042 2つの若者への歌 若さへの呼びかけ
Two Songs of Youth: I. Invocation to Youth (Julien Van Mellaerts)
043 2つの若者への歌 若者が行くとは思ってもみなかった
Two Songs of Youth: II. I Never Thought That Youth Would Go (Julien Van Mellaerts)
044 愛の警告
Love's Caution (Various Artists)
045 夜のさまよい人
Night Wanderers (Various Artists)
046 物乞いの歌
Beggar's Song (Julien Van Mellaerts)
047 音楽よ、やさしい声が消えた後は
Music, When Soft Voices Die (Jess Dandy)
048 聖母の子守歌
A Slumber Song of the Madonna (Soraya Mafi)
049 紫の幻想
Fantasy in Purple (William Thomas)
050 夜
La nuit (Soraya Mafi)
051 かくも甘き虜囚に
Of That So Sweet Imprisonment (Various Artists)
052 暗い松の林の中で
In the Dark Pinewood (Fleur Barron)
053 大地と空に張られた弦は
Strings in the Earth and Air (Various Artists)
054 Ask me to rest
Ask Me To Rest (Various Artists)
055 月の光に
Au clair de la lune (Soraya Mafi)
056 Mother I cannot mind my wheel
Mother I Cannot Mind My Wheel (Soraya Mafi)
057 戸口での愛
Love at the Door (Fleur Barron)
058 男
Man (Various Artists)
059 セレナード
Serenader (Julien Van Mellaerts)
060 平和
Peace (Jess Dandy)
061 Who carries corn and crown
Who Carries Corn and Crown (William Thomas)
062 Watchers
Watchers (Jess Dandy)
063 あなたの愛
Thy Love (William Thomas)
064 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening (Jess Dandy)
065 そんなひばりはいない
There's nae lark (Nicky Spence)
066 ドーヴァー・ビーチ Op.3
Dover Beach, Op. 3 (Julien Van Mellaerts)
067 ノックスヴィル:1915年の夏 Op.24
Knoxville: Summer of 1915 (Nicky Spence)
3. レイラ・ディオーネ・エズラ(Sop), エリザベッタ・ロンバルディ(MSop), マウロ・ボルジョーニ(Br), フィリッポ・ファリネッリ(pf)
001 3 Songs, Op. 2: I. The Daisies
002 3 Songs, Op. 2: II. With Rue my Heart is Laden
003 3 Songs, Op. 2: III. Bessie Bobtail
004 3 Songs, Op. 10: I. Rain Has Fallen
005 3 Songs, Op. 10: II. Sleep Now
006 3 Songs, Op. 10: III. I Hear an Army
007 4 Songs, Op. 13: I. A Nun Takes the Veil
008 4 Songs, Op. 13: II. The Secrets of the Old
009 4 Songs, Op. 13: III. Sure on This shining Night
010 4 Songs, Op. 13: IV. Nocturne
011 2 Songs, Op. 18: I. The Queen's Face on the Summery Coin
012 2 Songs, Op. 18: II. Monks and Raisins
013 Nuvoletta, Op. 25
014 Mélodies passagères, Op. 27: I. Puisque tout Passe
015 Mélodies passagères, Op. 27: II. Un Cygnet
016 Mélodies passagères, Op. 27: III. Tombeau dans un Parc
017 Mélodies passagères, Op. 27: IV. Le clocher Chante
018 Mélodies passagères, Op. 27: V. Départ
019 Hermit Songs, Op. 29: I. At Saint Patrick's Purgatory
020 Hermit Songs, Op. 29: II. Church Bell at Night
021 Hermit Songs, Op. 29: III. St. Ita's Vision
022 Hermit Songs, Op. 29: IV. The Heavenly Banquet
023 Hermit Songs, Op. 29: V. The Crucifixion
024 Hermit Songs, Op. 29: VI. Sea-Snatch
025 Hermit Songs, Op. 29: VII. Promiscuity
026 Hermit Songs, Op. 29: VIII. The Monk and His Cat
027 Hermit Songs, Op. 29: IX. The Praises of God
028 Hermit Songs, Op. 29: X. The Desire for Hermitage
029 Despite and Still, Op. 41: I. A Last Song
030 Despite and Still, Op. 41: II. My Lizard (Whish for a Young Love)
031 Despite and Still, Op. 41: III. In the Wilderness
032 Despite and Still, Op. 41: IV. Solitary Hotel
033 Despite and Still, Op. 41: V. Despite and Still
034 3 Songs, Op. 45: I. Now Have I Fed and Eaten up the Rose
035 3 Songs, Op. 45: II. A Green Lowland of Pianos
036 3 Songs, Op. 45: III. O Boundless, Boundless Evening
037 2 Poems of the Wind: I. Little Children of the Wind
038 2 Poems of the Wind: II. Longing
039 2 Songs of Youth: I. Invocation to Youth
040 2 Songs of Youth: II. I Never Thought That Youth Would Go
041 Fantasy in Purple
042 Music, When Soft Voices Die
043 La Nuit
044 A Slumber Song of the Madonna
045 3 Songs, the Words from Old England: I. Lady, When I Behold the Roses
046 3 Songs, the Words from Old England: II. An Earnest Suit to His Unkind Mistress not to Forsake Him
047 3 Songs, the Words from Old England: III. Hey Nanny No!
048 Ask me to Rest
049 Au claire de la Lune
050 Man
051 Thy Love
052 Watchers
053 There's nae Lark
054 Mother, I Cannot Mind my Wheel
055 Love at the Door
056 Serenader
057 Love's Caution
058 Night Wanderers
059 Of That so Sweet Imprisonment
060 Peace
061 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
062 Strings in the Earth and Air
063 Beggar's Song
064 In the Dark Pinewood
065 Who Carries Corn and Crown
4. Gerald Finley, Julius Drake
001 そんなひばりはいない
There's Nae Lark
002 物乞いの歌
The Beggar's Song
003 小暗き松林に
In the Dark Pinewood
004 3つの歌からベッシー・ボブテイル
3 Songs, Op. 2: No. 3, Bessie Bobtail. Andante un poco mosso – Adagio
005 世捨て人の歌 Op.29
Hermit Songs, Op. 29: No. 1, At Saint Patrick's Purgatory
006 世捨て人の歌 Op.29
Hermit Songs, Op. 29: No. 2, Church Bell at Night
007 世捨て人の歌 Op.29
Hermit Songs, Op. 29: No. 3, St Ita's Vision
008 世捨て人の歌 Op.29
Hermit Songs, Op. 29: No. 4, The Heavenly Banquet
009 世捨て人の歌 Op.29
Hermit Songs, Op. 29: No. 5, The Crucifixion
010 世捨て人の歌 Op.29
Hermit Songs, Op. 29: No. 6, Sea-Snatch
011 世捨て人の歌 Op.29
Hermit Songs, Op. 29: No. 7, Promiscuity
012 世捨て人の歌 Op.29
Hermit Songs, Op. 29: No. 8, The Monk and His Cat
013 世捨て人の歌 Op.29
Hermit Songs, Op. 29: No. 9, The Praises of God
014 世捨て人の歌 Op.29
Hermit Songs, Op. 29: No. 10, The Desire for Hermitage
015 雨は降り続く Op.10-1
3 Songs, Op. 10: No. 1, Rain Has Fallen. Moderato
016 さあ眠れ Op.10-2
Sleep Now, Op. 10, No. 2
017 軍勢がこの国に Op.10-3
3 Songs, Op. 10: No. 3, I Hear An Army. Allegro con fuoco
018 メロディ・パサジェール Op.27
Mélodies passagères, Op. 27: No. 1, Puisque tout passe. Moderato
019 メロディ・パサジェール Op.27
Mélodies passagères, Op. 27: No. 2, Un cygne. Moderato
020 メロディ・パサジェール Op.27
Mélodies passagères, Op. 27: No. 3, Tombeau dans un parc. Lento e sereno
021 メロディ・パサジェール Op.27
Mélodies passagères, Op. 27: No. 4, Le clocher chante. Non troppo allegro
022 メロディ・パサジェール Op.27
Mélodies passagères, Op. 27: No. 5, Départ
023 ひなぎく Op.2-1
3 Songs, Op. 2: No. 1, The Daisies. Allegretto con grazie
024 わが心は後悔に苦しむ Op.2-2
3 Songs, Op. 2: No. 2, With Rue My Heart Is Laden. Andante cantabile
025 夜想曲 Op.13-4
4 Songs, Op. 13: No. 4, Nocturne. Andante, un poco mosso
026 この輝ける夜に Op.13-3
4 Songs, Op. 13: No. 3, Sure On This Shining Night. Andante
027 ドーヴァー・ビーチ Op.3
Dover Beach, Op. 3
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